TWDramas (Ratings & Reviews): Black & White

23 01 2010

Black & White (痞子英雄)

Summary: Chen Zai Tian (nicknamed Pi Zi) and Wu Ying Xiong (chinese for Hero) are two completely different cops. Pi Zi is a lazy scoundrel that just sits around waiting for tip offs from mysterious sources to crack his cases. Ying Xiong takes his job extremely seriously. So seriously, that his zealousy gets him in hot water with his superior more than once. But after a misunderstanding, they are forced to work together to solve a tough drug case. That’s a problem because the two hate each other. Slowly, it becomes clear that Pi Zi and Ying Xiong are linked in ways more than one, and they are thrown into a dark plot involving a huge scandal, a terrorist group, and the biggest mafia family in Taiwan. Starring Vic Zhou (周渝民), Mark Chao (趙又廷), Ivy Chen (陳意涵), Janine Chang (張鈞甯).

Review: Three words. BEST DRAMA EVER. I was so blown away with this drama. The main thing is the plot. It is Read the rest of this entry »

Download: Black & White OST

22 01 2010

Download the 2009 Taiwanese Drama, Black & White (痞子英雄), Original Soundtrack.


01. 無賴正義 – 演唱 / 趙又廷& COLOR
02. 痞子與英雄 – 演唱 / 鄒承恩
03. Hey BABY – 演唱 / 痞客四
04. 放逐愛情 – 演唱 / 解偉苓
05. 黑暗序曲
06. 關於我們 – 演唱 / 痞客四
07. 來襲
08. 密謀者
09. 魔化
10. 兩種英雄
11. 光明盡頭
12. 迷霧
13. Perfect Stranger完美陌生人 – 演唱 / 鄒承恩& 痞客四& 自從
14. 禮物 – 演唱 / 羅美玲
15. 鐵人 – 演唱 / COLOR
16. 看不見的敵人
17. 真相
18. 最後的戰役
19. 黑暗黎明
20. 有沒有誰要離開
21. Black&White

Download Link: Read the rest of this entry »